Nest Area

May 10th, 2009 .

As I have said before, I have been getting 2 eggs each day and having to throw one away. My girls like to sleep in the nest box and lay their eggs on the coop floor – it is fine when Meg does it but Victoria obviously hasn’t got the hang of it and seems to drop them from a great height causing them to crack on the hard wooden floor.

I have tried to fix this – first I thought they were laying there instead of the nest box because I had been blocking it off at night. I stopped blocking it off but unfortunately they now sleep in the nest box but refuse to lay there. As that didn’t fix it I decided to put a bit more bedding on the coop floor, but for some reason the girls have kicked it away before laying leaving an nice spot of bare wood to crack their eggs in.

My newest solution has been to make a nest area for them in the spot that they always lay in. I screwed two pieces of wood together into an ‘L’ shape and pushed it against the walls so that it forms a rectangle and will hopefully stop them from spreading the bedding around too much. I will let you know whether it works or not tomorrow!

The Small Egg

May 9th, 2009 .

A while ago I posted about what I thought was Daisy’s first egg (which actually turned out to be Victoria’s). Victoria had laid an egg already and I ate it that day. It was disappointing because as well as being very small, the yolk was disproportionately small compared to the white.

Today I finally got around to eating the really tiny second egg and it was really good – even though it was even smaller than the other one it was virtually all yolk and no white!


May 8th, 2009 .

I have finally managed to think of names for the girls! After a lot of thought and some brilliant suggestions from Down the Lane, I have decided on the following names:


Thanks to crystalj for the name suggestion!

This on is called Nutmeg - thanks crystalj!


We came up with name ages ago in the car with my mum and step-dad.



I don’t particularly like this as a name on its own but I really think it suits this chicken!



May 8th, 2009 .

I have had an egg each day off of two of my girls – the brown one and the grey one. The sad thing is that all of the eggs laid by my grey one have been wasted. She either drops the eggs on the coop floor or lays soft shelled eggs. It’s starting to get a bit frustrating now…

Yesterdays egg cracked when it hit the floor

Yesterdays egg cracked when it hit the floor

Todays egg had a soft shell

Today's egg had a soft shell


May 6th, 2009 .

Today I did a bit of gardening after work, and ended up hanging around with the chickens for a while afterwards. The brown one kept trying to jump up to get the tub of meal worms I had in my hand so I put my arm out for her…

My chicken has a new feeding spot

My chicken has a new feeding spot